19 July, 2011

Unexpected Treasure

This past weekend I came across an unexpected treasure. While my friend Melissa and I were antiquing in the mecca of Pinetops, North Carolina I found a rather large demijohn. It is of clear glass and made by the Pyrex Company and is probably between 70 to 80 years old. This particular demijohn was used as a wine jug at some point and has a hole drilled near the bottom where a spout was placed.

 Made by Pyrex

I could not resist such a thing and had to purchase it, especially since it was such a great deal. However, I did not purchase it immediately. In fact we returned home and I continued to think about it… so it’s NOT an impulse purchase! 

I made a terrarium of it. It has been many years since I have had a terrarium so it was a real joy making this one. My cats prevent me from having house plants so the terrarium will allow me to have a little greenery as well as making a wonderful conversation piece.

The process to make a terrarium is simple...

After cleaning the container and making certain it is dry, you should add about 2" of gravel.

The gravel will prevent the plants from rotting in standing water.

Then you add a layer of charcoal, which helps control odors from decaying matter.

After this you will add a layer of sphagnum moss as this will keep the soil from filtering down to the bottom.

Now add a good quality soil and your are ready to plant. Try and find small starter, sub-tropical plants.

Completed Terrarium

A terrarium should be closed so a humid environment may be created inside. Use a spare granite sphere you may have laying about as a stopper if you don't have a large cork.

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